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- ; This is a very basic example
- ; of a tiny Operating System.
- ; Directive to create BOOT file:
- ; This is an OS loader only!
- ;
- ; It can be loaded at the first
- ; sector of a floppy disk:
- ; cylinder: 0
- ; sector: 1
- ; head: 0
- ;
- ; The code in this file is supposed
- ; to load the Kernel (micro-os_kernel.asm)
- ; and to pass control over it.
- ; The Kernel code should be on floppy at:
- ; cylinder: 0
- ; sector: 2
- ; head: 0
- ; Memory table (hex):
- ; -------------------------------
- ; 07C0:0000 | Boot Sector
- ; 07C0:01FF | (512 bytes)
- ; -------------------------------
- ; 07C0:0200 | Stack
- ; 07C0:03FF | (255 words)
- ; -------------------------------
- ; 0800:0000 | Kernel
- ; 0800:1400 |
- ; | (currently 5 Kb,
- ; | 10 sectors are
- ; | loaded from
- ; | floppy)
- ; -------------------------------
- ; micro-os_loader.asm file produced by
- ; this code should be less or
- ; equal to 512 bytes, since this
- ; is the size of the boot
- ; sector!
- ; Current version is compiled to
- ; 101 bytes.
- include 'emu8086.inc'
- ; Boot record is loaded at 0000:7C00
- ORG 7C00h
- ; skip the data section:
- JMP start
- ;==== data section =====================
- ; welcome message:
- msg DB 'Welcome to micro-os', 13, 10,
- DB 'Loading...', 0
- ;======================================
- start:
- ; initialize the stack:
- MOV AX, 07C0h
- MOV SP, 03FEh ; top of the stack.
- ; set Data Segment:
- ; set default video mode 80x25:
- MOV AH, 00h
- MOV AL, 03h
- INT 10h
- ; print welcome message:
- LEA SI, msg
- CALL print_string
- ;===================================
- ; load the Kernel at 0800h:0000h
- ; 10 sectors starting at:
- ; cylinder: 0
- ; sector: 2
- ; head: 0
- ; BIOS passes drive number in DL,
- ; so it's not changed:
- MOV AH, 02h ; read function.
- MOV AL, 10 ; sectors to read.
- MOV CH, 0 ; cylinder.
- MOV CL, 2 ; sector.
- MOV DH, 0 ; head.
- ; DL not changed! - drive number.
- ; ES:BX points to receiving
- ; data buffer:
- MOV BX, 0800h
- MOV BX, 0
- ; read!
- INT 13h
- ;===================================
- ; pass control to Kernel:
- JMP 0800h:0000h
- ;===========================================